What can we help you with?

We are Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) Advocates

Your comfort is always our focus and that’s why we follow GBT protocols for all visits! GBT is about maximizing disease prevention in a safe, invasive-free, and efficient manner. What does that mean? Less painful treatments, less time in the chair, and better care.


Hygiene Assessment

An oral assessment informs us how to best serve you. The assessment involves a medical history review addressing questions or concerns that may arise; taking extra-oral digital x-rays and intra-oral photographs to assess the interior jaw and oral cavity; a detailed tooth, gum, and jaw evaluation; and finally, a review and discussion of your overall health and current best practices to maintain or improve your oral hygiene (i.e. flossing, brushing technique, dietary tips, etc.).


Cleaning & Prevention


Prevention is the foundation of our clinic. All patients are recommended biannual debridement (cleaning) and examinations to maintain a healthy smile. Debridement and prevention includes scaling, root planing, polishing, periodontal maintenance, and fluoride treatment.

Teeth Whitening

Professional-grade bleaching is faster, more effective, and lasts longer than treatments you can find over the counter. Immediate results, no messy trays and minimal sensitivity. The ingredients we use in Wicked white are 100% pure with no fillers or additives. Tooth whitening does not change or damage the structure of the teeth, just whiter and brighter.  Good dental hygiene and steering clear of foods that contribute to discoloration and staining will help you to keep treatments to a minimum. Your teeth will naturally discolour with age, but we can get your teeth up to 8 shades brighter with a single treatment to bring back your confident smile. 


Teeth Desensitization

Ouch! Let’s explore my options from fluoride applications to laser therapy desensitization. 

Sensitive teeth impact our enjoyment of activities like eating. Fortunately, there are many options available to keep sensitivity at a minimum.We offer a combination of laser therapy and use a product called Crystals desensitizer by oral science to help relief sensitivity for months or even years. Please let your hygienist know if you have sensitive teeth and are prone to discomfort during your service. We will be happy to go over options to keep your service pain-free and comfortable.


Sealants/SDF Application

Extend the life of my permanent teeth by protecting them with sealants to prevent decay

A sealant is like a “skating rink” layer on the top of your teeth. Typically the tops of our teeth have deep groves and valleys making it easy to harbor bacteria causing cavities. It’s a clear, acrylic-like material that bonds with the tooth (in the depressions and grooves on the top surface) to help prevent decay on your back teeth caused by bacteria and chewing. Sealants are painless and very cost-effective to apply.

Got a cavity but not ready to treat it? We have a cavity management program! We use a product called “Silver Diamine Fluoride”, now we can arrest a cavity in their tracks, allowing baby teeth to shed naturally. Completely painless and quick and easy application.


From Dyclonine mouth wash,topical anesthetics to injection blocks

Your comfort is a priority for us. Please let us know of any concerns, sensitivity, or discomfort you are prone to before your appointment, so that we may explore anesthetic options. We even offer needle-free alternatives or Dyclonine mouthwash that numbs your gums for 1 hour!

Laser Therapy

Got a cold sore or canker sore? Ever bite into a chip too quickly piercing the roof of your mouth? We offer laser therapy to help take the pain away and speed up the healing process. Not only can laser therapy help cauterize the nerve endings, it can also help reduce bacteria from billions to hundreds within the pocket. Faster healing time, less tingling/pain and helps prevent cross contamination so you can continue living your day to day life.

Complimentary Services

We offer complimentary services to our patients and want to let you know right at the beginning!

Dental Appliance Cleaning: Get your dental appliances professionally cleaned in our Ultra Sonic Baths or with our new EMS air polisher! These capable of disturbing yucky biofilms and calcifications that form on your appliance.

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